Company Moves Metals & Minerals News

Metals’ chairman steps down

Metals Exploration plc’s independent non-executive chairman and non-executive director Nick von Schirnding has stepped down, effective 21 March. The company said that Mr Schirnding’s decision follows Metals’ purchase of Runruno Holdings Ltd shareholding and settlement of debt disputes with lenders. Newly appointed non-executive chairman Steven Smith said: “It has been a pleasure to work with […]

News Oil & Gas

JOG issues 775,000 share options

Jersey Oil & Gas plc has granted options over in aggregate 775,000 ordinary shares of 1p each in the company to its directors, senior management and employees. DIRECTORS The options exercise at 82.5 pence per ordinary share over a period of seven years for executive directors / officers and five years for non-executive directors. A […]

Company Moves Metals & Minerals News

FCM chairman steps down to become MD

First Class Metals plc chairman James Knowles has stepped down following completion of an initial subscription, representing 41% of the company’s enlarged share capital, by The Seventy Ninth Group. OPPORTUNITIES Mr Knowles has become managing director, while Seventy Ninth’s chairman David Webster is now a director and non-executive chairman and chief executive Marc Sale retains […]

Company Moves News Oil & Gas

Europa appoints Bo Krøll as chairman

Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc has appointed Bo Krøll as non-executive chairman, replacing Brian O’Cathain who leaves the board after seven years’ service. “It has been a privilege to be associated with Europa and I would like to thank shareholders, employees and fellow board members for their support over the years,” said Mr O’Caithain. […]

Company Moves Metals & Minerals News

Guardian chairman steps down

Guardian Metal Resources plc non-executive director and chairman David Ovadia has stepped down. His replacement from 11 December is independent non-executive director J.T. Starzecki who will additionally be a member of the remuneration committee. The company has also appointed Benjamin James Hodges as financial director, effective from today. Mr Ovadia was chairman of Guardian and […]

Company Moves News Oil & Gas

Ascent appoints Gilles Thieffry as chairman

Ascent Resources plc said it intended to appoint Gilles Thieffry to the board as non-executive chairman. The company also created a new joint venture special purpose vehicle with Delta Energy Corp SARL, focusing on new development opportunities in “world-class proven hydrocarbon basins”. Mr Thieffry has four decades’ legal experience with expertise in capital markets, structured […]