Metals & Minerals News

Metals’ majority investor increases shareholding

Metals Exploration plc’s majority investor Nick Candy has increased his shares in the company. Candy Ventures S.a.r.l, which is majority owned by Mr Candy, and a person closely associated with Metals non-executive director Steven Smith, acquired two million ordinary shares each at an average price of 5.6p. Following the transaction Mr Candy has an interest […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal to sell 30m Guardian shares

Power Metal Resources plc plans to sell 29,758,334 of its shares and warrants over 986,352 ordinary shares of £0.01 each in Guardian Metal Resources plc to its uranium joint venture partner for £9,225,083.91. INCUBATOR The agreement is in principle with UCAM Ltd, which needs to complete a fundraise, and subject to administrative processes and a legally binding […]

Metals & Minerals News

Ormonde acquires 100% of Zamora gold licences

Ormonde Mining plc has secured a three-year renewal for and regained full ownership of its two gold exploration licences in the Zamora province, western Spain. INTERESTS The company’s local subsidiary previously held 48.7% of Antofagasta and Cueva Negra while Shearwater Group plc held 51.3%. Acquisition of its partner’s share for €50,000 will be paid with five […]

Metals & Minerals News

Altona optimistic on fluorspar assays

Altona Rare Earths plc has received “very encouraging” assays from fluorspar ore samples collected last October from the fluorite zone at the Monte Muambe rare earths project in northwest Mozambique. PRODUCTION Returns of an average of 88.03% fluorite (CaF2) exceeded expectations given that the typical range for metallurgical grade fluorspar is 60 to 85%, the […]