Equipment & Logistics Finance Metals & Minerals News

Kavango starts Zimbabwe funding initiative

Kavango Resources plc has launched a new capital investment and financing programme with an initial £2 million convertible note to advance its Zimbabwe interests. RIGS The CLN with major shareholder Purebond Ltd will define mineable gold resources and acquire plant and equipment for larger scale production at the Hillside gold project. Production at the new […]

Metals & Minerals News

Alba completes first blast at Clogau

Alba Mineral Resources plc has successfully completed the first blast at its Llechfraith priority gold target at Clogau gold mine in north Wales. COMMERCIAL “We are delighted to have successfully and safely completed the first blast at our main gold target at Clogau, the Llechfraith target,” said executive chairman George Frangeskides. “To our knowledge, this is […]

Metals & Minerals News

Tertiary again refused Storuman mining licence

Tertiary Minerals plc has again been refused a mining concession for its legacy Storuman fluorspar project in Sweden. DISTRACTION The Mining Inspectorate initially granted permission for the 2014 application and then overturned its decision following opposition from the Sami Village – reindeer herders – and the County Administration Board (CAB). Tertiary had argued that the […]

Metals & Minerals News

GreenRoc advances Amitsoq production plans

GreenRoc Strategic Materials plc has submitting the project description as part of the exploitation licence process for the planned mine at Amitsoq in southern Greenland. SHIPPING Subject to final approval, public consultation is expected to take place this Autumn. Plans for a graphite active anode materials (AAM) production plant have also advanced with a letter […]

Metals & Minerals News

Kavango indicates greater potential at Hillside

Kavango Resources plc said results from competed diamond drilling at prospect 2 reinforced its belief that a wider mineralised system extended at its Hillside project in Zimbabwe. RESOURCE Three holes tested for geological continuity of structures, along strike and with increasing depth, and evaluated grade variation within multiple shear zones hosting gold-producing artisanal workings at […]