Karelian Diamond Resources plc has raised a total gross £323,075 via a 37.5% discounted placing and subscription to a total 43,076,667 new ordinary shares each at 0.75 pence. USES The placing for 34,066,667 ordinary shares of €0.00025 each, raised £255,500 while the subscription for 9,010,000 ordinary shares at the issue price raised £67,575. Each placing […]
Tag: Lahtojoki diamond deposit – Kuhmo region
Karelian extends Kuhmo diamond licences
Karelian Diamond Resources plc has extended its diamond exploration licences over the areas targeted by the upcoming campaign in the Kuhmo region of Eastern Finland. PROVINCE The company was granted a new reservation of Kuumu 1 at the Lentiira in northern Kuhmo, 30 km to the north of the green diamond discovery, with one year […]
Karelian identifies possible green diamond source
Karelian Diamond Resources plc said it had identified two anomalies possibly representing the kimberlitic source of the green diamond in the Kuhmo region of eastern Finland. TARGET The findings are from data based on a semi-airborne unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) detailed electromagnetic survey over the green diamond target area. The diatreme-shaped anomalies, that could also […]
Karelian mine boundaries finalised for Lahtojoki
Karelian Diamond Resources plc said that the mine boundaries for the Lahtojoki project have been finalised after no appeal was lodged against the August court ruling. RULING Two landowners had 60 days to appeal against the amounts of compensation due to them as well as the mine boundary. The company’s legal advisors have confirmed that […]
Karelian retains Lahtojoki mine boundary
Karelian Diamond Resources plc said that the Lahtojoki diamond mine boundary will remain in its original position, as ruled by the Finnish Land Court. DECISION The company added that on 12 August, the court also rejected two landowners’ appeals in relation to compensation from the mine development, except for three items subject to a review […]
Ruling due on Karelian mine compensation
Karelian Diamond Resources plc expects an August court judgement over compensation and the boundary of its diamond mine development at Lahtojoki in Kuopio Kaavi, Finland. Two farmers previously appealed against money owed to them as well as the site boundary. Karelian said that following the court hearing on 21 May, the Finnish Land Court announced […]