The Tobias-13 well has encountered “several potentially productive zones in multiple intervals” in the Kwanza basin, Angola. BINGA RESERVOIR Corcel plc’s joint venture and operator Sonangol (80%) drilled at a downdip location from historic production to the planned depth of 958.5 metres, penetrating the entire Binga reservoir section of a circa 120m column. Results indicate […]
Tag: Kwanza basin – onshore Angola
Corcel offered $4.1m for Mambare
Corcel plc has received a revised conditional offer of $4.1 million for its 41% interest in the Mambare nickel-cobalt project in Papua New Guinea. EXIT Part of the payment from Integrated Battery Metals (IBM) can be either in cash or IBM shares at Corcel’s discretion. In March 2023, Corcel restructured its PNG assets by signing a […]
Corcel agrees up to potential £10m unsecured CLNs
Corcel plc has agreed an unsecured convertible loan notes for up to a potential £10 million over three years for its oil and gas interests in Angola and Brazil and “operations elsewhere”. ACCELERATE Investment company Extraction Srl, whose chairman is a major shareholder in Corcel, will lend £1m this month, £1m in January 2024 with a […]
Tobias-13 well spuds in brownfield block KON-11
Corcel plc’s partner yesterday began drilling the Tobias-13 oil well in block KON-11 in the Kwanza basin, onshore Angola. DATA Subject to the first well’s results, the workplan for KON-11 includes one or more new wells with the main aim of early production. On positive drilling results, the geological and geophysical data will be […]
Corcel notes start of preparations for Angola drilling
Corcel plc said preparations had started for drilling and appraisal at its recently acquired oil interest KON-11 in the Kwanza basin, onshore Angola. TOBIAS FIELD In May, the company acquired a 20% working interest 18% net to Corcel the non-operated block which holds 12 historical wells. The operator is Angolan national oil company, Sonangol. KON-11 is […]
Corcel completes Kwanza oil and gas acquisition
Corcel plc completed the acquisition of its 90% interest in Atlas Petroleum Exploration Worldwide Ltd with assets in the Kwanza basin, onshore Angola. CONTRACTS The company last week signed the risk service contracts for blocks KON-11, KON-12 and KON-16 and other conditions precedent are also satisfied. The issue of shares for the transaction, announced in May […]