Metals & Minerals News

Karelian completes Kuhmo follow-up excavation

Karelian Diamond Resources plc has completed follow-up excavation up-ice of the green diamond previously discovered in the Kuhmo region of Finland. TARGETS Karelian said that the thickness of the glacial till cover increased up-ice to the northwest towards a swampy area, accessible to an excavator only when the ground is frozen. “The indicator mineral train […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Karelian raises £329,000 via discounted placing

Karelian Diamond Resources plc has raised £328,747 through a 38.8% discounted placing. USES The placing comprised 21,916,479 ordinary shares of €0.00025 each, at 1.5 pence perordinary share. Certain parties also capitalised amounts owed to them totalling £25,252.75 by the issue of 1,683,516 new ordinary shares at the issue price. Each placing share and investment share […]

Metals & Minerals News

Karelian results indicate Kuhmo diamond potential

Karelian Diamond Resources plc said it had indications of the likely source of its green diamond discovery and the potential of the Kuhmo licence in Finland. DEEP MANTLE Electron microprobe analysis results of 60 Kimberlitic garnets, taken from till samples up-ice of the discovery, point to the presence of a “diamond stability field”. The presence […]

Metals & Minerals News

Karelian completes pitting programme in Kuhmo

Karelian Diamond Resources plc has completed a pitting programme on more than 20 previously identified kimberlite targets in the Kuhmo region of Finland. GLACIAL TILL The targets extend over 23 locations from where glacial till samples for kimberlite indicator mineral testing were collected. The company said that the bedrock reached in eight of the locations […]

Metals & Minerals News

Karelian starts follow-up exploration in Kuhmo

Karelian Diamond Resources plc has started follow-up exploration programme focused on excavation and drilling in the Kuhmo region of eastern Finland. TARGETS The company said that operations were located “up-ice” of its green diamond discovery. A total of 38 kimberlite targets have been identified from drone-based aeromagnetic data combined with kimberlite indicator sampling results and […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Conroy Gold settles Karelian debt with shares

Conroy Gold and Natural Resources plc has acquired shares in Karelian Diamond Resources plc to part-settle debt owed to it. TERMS The company has also agreed a loan to help fund Karelian’s exploration in Finland. As at the end of the six-month period ending 30 November 2022, Dublin-based Karelian owed Conroy Gold €234,651. Conroy Gold […]