Kavango Resources plc reported a “significant upgrade” of potential underground resources following shaft restoration of Prospect 1 at the Hillside gold project in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe. DRILLING The company completed work on the historic main shaft and west shaft, with the removal of historic waste material from the main shaft’s first two levels revealing a deeper, […]
Tag: Kavango Resources plc
Kavango completes Prospect 3 drilling at Hillside
Kavango Resources plc has completed initial resource diamond drilling at Prospect 3 within the Hillside gold project in Matabeleland, southern Zimbabwe. MINING The company said that the programme of 34 holes for 2,109.16 metres had provided sufficient geological information and sample material for assay, metallurgical and geotechnical test work for an initial mining plan. Prospect […]
Kavango appoints Alexandra Gorman as COO
Kavango Resources plc has appointed non-executive director Alexandra (Alex) Rose Gorman to the full time executive role of chief operating officer, effective early June 2025. Ms Gorman will move to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe to manage Kavango’s group operations. As a NED, she was involved in both technical decisions and long term strategic planning, having made a […]
Kavango issues 1.48bn shares
Kavango Resources plc issued 1.48 billion shares following publication of its prospectus approved by the Financial Conduct Authority. LISTING The shares issue relates to a £10 million fundraise in 2024 involving 938,028,569 and 547,995,076 new ordinary shares, comprised of a conditional placing and convertible loan notes, respectively. Following admission, Kavango’s total issued share capital will […]
Kavango secures £10.27m financing
Kavango Resources plc has secured strategic financing of £10,277,868 comprising a placing and convertible loan notes. LISTING The placing of 938,028,569 new ordinary shares of £0.001 each at 0.7 pence per share will raise £6,566,200, subject to a Financial Conduct Authority approved prospectus and shareholders. The company’s deputy chairman Peter Wynter Bee has additionally agreed […]
Kavango identifies tungsten in Hillside assays
Kavango Resources plc has identified “significant” and “potentially economic” multi-element concentrations including tungsten at the Hillside gold project in Matabeleland, southern Zimbabwe. PATHFINDER The company plans to widen its exploration in the country for the “strategic elements” including bismuth, selenium, molybdenum and further tests for tungsten value and widths. The results, with a peak tungsten […]