Metals & Minerals News

Karelian positive on Kuhmo sampling results

Karelian Diamond Resources plc has received “positive” kimberlite indicator minerals results from till samples excavated at the green diamond target area in the Kuhmo region, Eastern Finland. SOURCE The kimberlite indicator minerals (KIM) were found in 19 of 21 till samples, up-ice of the green diamond discovery. Sampling was also conducted as close as possible […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Karelian raises £323,075 via placing-subscription

Karelian Diamond Resources plc has raised a total gross £323,075 via a 37.5% discounted placing and subscription to a total 43,076,667 new ordinary shares each at 0.75 pence. USES The placing for 34,066,667 ordinary shares of €0.00025 each, raised £255,500 while the subscription for 9,010,000 ordinary shares at the issue price raised £67,575. Each placing […]

Metals & Minerals News

Karelian significant investor increases holding

Karelian Diamonds Resources plc reported that one of its significant shareholders, David John Naylor, has acquired further shares in the company. Following the purchase on 12 February, Mr Naylor now has an interest of 10,509,468 ordinary shares of €0.00025 each. The figure is equivalent to 8.17% of Karelian’s current issued ordinary shares and voting rights […]

Metals & Minerals News

Karelian extends Kuhmo diamond licences

Karelian Diamond Resources plc has extended its diamond exploration licences over the areas targeted by the upcoming campaign in the Kuhmo region of Eastern Finland. PROVINCE The company was granted a new reservation of Kuumu 1 at the Lentiira in northern Kuhmo, 30 km to the north of the green diamond discovery, with one year […]

Metals & Minerals News

Karelian identifies possible green diamond source

Karelian Diamond Resources plc said it had identified two anomalies possibly representing the kimberlitic source of the green diamond in the Kuhmo region of eastern Finland. TARGET The findings are from data based on a semi-airborne unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) detailed electromagnetic survey over the green diamond target area. The diatreme-shaped anomalies, that could also […]

Company Moves Metals & Minerals News

Karelian deputy chairman resigns

Karelian Diamond Resources plc deputy chairman and non-executive director Séamus Fitzpatrick resigned, effective today. The company said that Mr Fitzpatrick’s “significant” business interests in the USA had left him insufficient time for the company. “Seamus has confirmed his ongoing support and commitment to the success of Karelian and I would like to thank Seamus for […]