Metals & Minerals News

Anglesey completes further 29.8% stake in Grängesberg

Anglesey Mining plc has completed the acquisition of an additional 29.8% of Grängesberg Iron AB (GIAB), which owns the Grängesberg iron ore project in Sweden. The company will now issue 14,544,827 new ordinary shares of 1 pence each in the company at an issue price of 3 pence per share to GIAB founders, Roslagen Resources […]

Metals & Minerals News

PFS confirms strong LoM returns at Amapá

Cadence Minerals plc said its pre-feasibility study (PFS) confirmed the potential for high-grade iron ore concentrate production and strong returns over life of mine (LOM) at the Amapá iron ore project in northeast Brazil. PFS Wardell Armstrong International compiled the PFS which was managed by Pedra Branca Alliance Pte. Ltd, Cadence and Indo Sino Pte […]

Metals & Minerals News

Cadence to increase stake in Amapá iron ore

Cadence Minerals plc said it intended to increase its stake from 27% to 30% in the Amapa iron ore project in Brazil. FINANCE The company added it would retain its first right of refusal to acquire 49% of the asset. Cadence will earn the additional 3% through conversion of loans, capitalisation of management, consultancy, and […]

Metals & Minerals News

Cadence notes significant MRE increase at Amapá

Cadence Minerals plc reported an increase in JORC resource, with greater tonnage in measured and indicated categories, at its joint venture Amapá iron ore project in Brazil. MRE Partner DEV Mineraço S.A.’s new mineral resource estimate (MRE) shows an increase in total measured, indicated and inferred mineral resources, to 276.24 million tonnes (Mt) grading 38.33% […]

Metals & Minerals News

Cadence on course for inaugural Amapá MRE and PFS

Cadence Minerals plc reported that contractors have visited their engineering areas ahead of a pre-feasibility study (PFS) for the Amapa iron ore project in Brazil. ORE RESERVE Wardell Armstrong International were also on-site as part of its role in the publication of the PFS. Focus has also continued on environmental permitting, compliance with Brazilian legislation […]

Metals & Minerals News

Cadence notes fourth sale of Amapá stockpile iron ore

Cadence Minerals plc noted the fourth sale and shipment of iron ore from stockpiles at the Amapá joint venture project in Brazil. PARTNERS The company holds 27% and Indo Sino Pty Ltd has 73% of the JV project company Pedra Branca Alliance Pte. Ltd, which owns 100% equity of DEV Mineração S.A. Approximately 1.2Mt of […]