News Oil & Gas

Predator secures more time to acquire Cory Moruga

Predator Oil & Gas Holdings plc has secured more time to acquire the Cory Moruga asset and progressed partner talks on carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (CO2 EOR) projects in Trinidad. CONDITIONS The licence includes the Snowcap oil discovery, with oil previously produced on test from the Snowcap-1 and Snowcap-2ST wells. The purchase, from Challenger Energy […]

News Oil & Gas

Predator signs binding deal for Cory Moruga

Predator Oil & Gas Holdings plc has signed a binding agreement with Challenger Energy Group plc to acquire the Cory Moruga licence, onshore Trinidad. UNREALISED POTENTIAL The fully termed long-form legal deal was initiated in December 2022, following a dispute between the companies. The terms remain unchanged including Predator’s 100% acquisition of the issued share […]

Legal News Oil & Gas

Predator firm on legal action if FRAM loan remains unresolved

Predator Oil & Gas Holdings plc said it would continue the legal process if issues remain unresolved over a loan for the CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) pilot project at the Inniss-Trinity field, onshore Trinidad. FRAM LOAN In June 2022, the company announced it had started a litigation process over the £591,065 FRAM loan for […]