News Oil & Gas

Borders seeks further funds for Falklands licences

Borders & Southern Petroleum plc said it would likely seek additional funds by the end of January 2022 for its hydrocarbon project in the Falkland Islands. FINANCES In its unaudited half year financial statements to 30 June 2021, the company’s cash balance decreased to $1.35 million (30 June 2020: $2.56m). Operating loss for the period was […]

News Oil & Gas

Bacton study shows hydrogen potential of Southern North Sea

The Bacton area off the coast of Norwich could contribute to the UK’s energy transition by becoming a significant hydrogen production site for London and the South East, said the Oil & Gas Authority (OGA). But the OGA warned that action was needed now to avoid the premature decommissioning of infrastructure and lost hydrocarbon opportunities. […]