Equipment & Logistics Finance Metals & Minerals News

Kavango starts Zimbabwe funding initiative

Kavango Resources plc has launched a new capital investment and financing programme with an initial £2 million convertible note to advance its Zimbabwe interests. RIGS The CLN with major shareholder Purebond Ltd will define mineable gold resources and acquire plant and equipment for larger scale production at the Hillside gold project. Production at the new […]

Metals & Minerals News

Kavango indicates greater potential at Hillside

Kavango Resources plc said results from competed diamond drilling at prospect 2 reinforced its belief that a wider mineralised system extended at its Hillside project in Zimbabwe. RESOURCE Three holes tested for geological continuity of structures, along strike and with increasing depth, and evaluated grade variation within multiple shear zones hosting gold-producing artisanal workings at […]

Metals & Minerals News

Kavango notes ‘extensive’ anomalous gold in soil

Kavango Resources plc said it had identified extensive anomalous gold in soil from sampling results at prospect 4 of the Hillside project in Matabeleland, southern Zimbabwe. ORE BODY The programme was over a 1.5km² area “underlain by greenstones and granites offset by a regional shear with multiple quartz-vein complexes producing gold from artisanal surface workings”. […]

Metals & Minerals News

Kavango exercises Hillside-Leopard South options

Kavango Resources plc has exercised its call option over the Hillside and Leopard South projects in Zimbabwe. The company said it intended to extend the call option on Leopard North to 30 June 2025. Purchase agreements for Hillside and Leopard South are being drawn up with completion scheduled for 15 May 2024. In January, Kavango […]

Metals & Minerals News

Kavango produces first refined gold

Kavango Resources plc’s first monthly production nearly reached the company’s 2024 target at its Hillside gold project in Matabeleland, southern Zimbabwe. INCREASE Final refined gold production in March was 899.6g of gold, which is anticipated to show a “significant increase” as direct mining begins. Any surplus generated will be used in its exploration programmes in […]

Metals & Minerals News

Kavango results strengthen Hillside gold potential

Kavango Resources plc said first drill results underlined the potential for a million ounces gold at its Hillside prospect 4 in Matabeleland, southern Zimbabwe. VISIBLE Scoping hole SKDD001, drilled to 247.40m, targeted mineralisation in a steeply dipping shear zone below artisanal workings. The company said that the hole intersected the targeted shear zone being worked […]