Metals & Minerals News

Obituary – mining executive and Green Glen chairman David Hall

Green Glen Minerals Ltd has announced the sudden death of its executive chairman and director David Hall PGeo. A fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists and EuroGeol, Mr Hall had some 35 years’ experience in exploration projects and mines in more than 50 countries. His previous roles included chief geologist for Minorco SA, exploration […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Green Glen agrees exclusive option for Lead Trial

Green Glen Minerals Ltd has agreed an exclusive option for long-term access and development, including drilling, for the Lead Trial gold prospect within the Loch Tay licence in Perthshire, Scotland. LEAD TRIAL The company, previously named Erris Gold, is exploring the discovery near Loch Tay, 43km east of Scotgold Resources’ Cononish gold mine and within […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Green Glen frustrated by slow talks over Lead Trial rights

Green Glen Minerals Ltd recorded a frustrating year with discussions on prospecting rights still continuing at the Lead Trial gold prospect in Perthshire, Scotland. ASSETS The company, renamed from Erris Gold Resources, is exploring the discovery near Loch Tay 43km east of the Cononish gold mine and within the Grampian gold belt. Green Glen has […]

Metals & Minerals News

Erris changes name to Green Glen Minerals

Erris Gold Resources Ltd has changed its name to Green Glen Minerals Ltd. LISTING The company registered the new name with Companies House on 26 November and aims to reregister as a public limited company in mid-December 2021. PROJECTS Green Glen is exploring for gold in Scotland and zinc-lead-silver-gold in Norway. It has also been […]