Metals & Minerals News

Metals agrees to buy $9.7m plant for La India

Metals Exploration plc has entered into an agreement to buy a US$9.7 million gold ore processing and concentration plant for its La India gold project in Nicaragua. PRODUCTION The purchase from Almaden Minerals Ltd includes crushers, conveyors, grinding ball mill, Sepro Falcon gravity circuit, carbon in leach (CIL) circuit, elution and smelting equipment and laboratory, […]

Metals & Minerals News

Tertiary drills anomalous copper at Brunton Pass

Tertiary Minerals plc has intersected “thick intervals containing anomalous copper values”, possibly in the halo of a porphyry deposit, at its Brunton Pass copper-gold project in central Nevada, USA. THESIS The first pass phase I drilling programme, started in November 2024, comprised four reverse circulation percussion drill holes for a total 890m. The company said […]

Metals & Minerals News

Oriole directors purchase total 16m shares

Oriole Resources plc reported three directors’ share purchases totalling 16,026,590 of 0.1 pence each at a price of 0.20 to 0.21 pence per share. Chief executive officer Martin Rosser acquired 8,936,792 ordinary shares and now holds 14,612,377. Chief financial officer Robert Smeeton bought 4,797,496 (40,733,8740) and executive director, exploration Claire Bay purchased 2,292,302 (13,698,870). Following the […]

Metals & Minerals News

Metals’ majority investor increases shareholding

Metals Exploration plc’s majority investor Nick Candy has increased his shares in the company. Candy Ventures S.a.r.l, which is majority owned by Mr Candy, and a person closely associated with Metals non-executive director Steven Smith, acquired two million ordinary shares each at an average price of 5.6p. Following the transaction Mr Candy has an interest […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Kavango issues 1.48bn shares

Kavango Resources plc issued 1.48 billion shares following publication of its prospectus approved by the Financial Conduct Authority. LISTING The shares issue relates to a £10 million fundraise in 2024 involving 938,028,569 and 547,995,076 new ordinary shares, comprised of a conditional placing and convertible loan notes, respectively. Following admission, Kavango’s total issued share capital will […]

Metals & Minerals News

Panther confirms 1.2km gold trend at Dotted Lake

Panther Metals plc has confirmed a 1.2km long open-ended gold trend from diamond drilling at Dotted Lake on the north limb of the Schreiber-Hemlo greenstone belt in Ontario, Canada. CORRELATION The company’s first phase I drill core assays also showed an intersection of “high grade zinc/gold volcanogenic massive sulphide-style mineralisation”. Drill hole DL24-001 returned “highly anomalous […]