News Oil & Gas

IOG expects Southwark drilling to resume in March

IOG plc said it expected to continue drilling at Southwark in March after unstable conditions due to seabed scouring forced a suspension of operations in January. SEABED PADS The company said that experts had defined the forward plan with the rig owner’s agreement. “This essentially entails creating pads on the seabed with suitable sized rocks […]

News Oil & Gas

VOG progresses with Matanda and Logaba gas operations

Victoria Oil & Gas plc (VOG) reported further progress from its onshore gas operations in Matanda and Logbaba in Douala, Cameroon. MATANDA In its report for Q4 2021, the company said its subsidiary Gaz du Cameroun S.A. (GDC) continued civil engineering work in readiness of drilling a vertical well at the Marula prospect. The company also continued […]

News Oil & Gas

IOG phase I capex to rise on slow progress at Bacton

IOG plc said it anticipated increased Phase I overspend of 20-25% as the company reported slower than expected progress at Bacton gas terminal. EXPENDITURE IOG previously indicated that the gross “outturn” total Phase I capital expenditure was anticipated to exceed the original £305.5 million field development plan (FDP) budget by up to 10%. The company […]

News Oil & Gas

IOG hopes to resume drilling at Southwark

IOG plc said it hoped to resume drilling in four to six weeks following suspension of work caused by seabed conditions at the Southwark well in the Southern North Sea. DATA ANALYSIS The company is working to find solutions to the conditions which caused the Noble Hans Deul rig to suspend operations earlier this month. […]