Metals & Minerals News

Galantas sampling targets new Gairloch mineralisation

Galantas Gold Corporation aims to find new mineralisation in the Gairloch Schist belt by establishing the geochemical signature of its Kerry Road deposit in Wester Ross. VMS DEPOSIT The Canadian company previously said that its July 2023 drill results showed the potential for a district-scale polymetallic project at the site. Galantas will determine the location […]

Metals & Minerals News

New mineralised zones identified at Gairloch

High grade potential and new zones of mineralisation have been identified from recent exploration drill results at the Gairloch gold project’s Kerry Road deposit. MINERALISED TREND Galantas Gold Corporation’s fifth hole 23-GL-05, targeting a geophysical anomaly, intersected 1.87 g/t gold, 1.17% copper, 1.20% zinc, 131 g/t cobalt and 7.06 g/t silver over 34.25 metres. Drilled […]

Metals & Minerals News

Galantas drill results expand Gairloch mineralisation

Mineralisation at the Gairloch project has expanded based on Galantas Gold Corp’s drill results from the third and fourth exploration holes and prospecting samples. TREND The Canadian company has localised current drilling within 100 metres of where the mineralised unit is exposed at surface. Hole 23-GL-04 intersected 4.42 g/t gold, 0.71% copper, 0.52% zinc, 69 […]

Metals & Minerals News

Galantas looks to district scale potential at Gairloch

Galantas Gold Corporation said its latest drill results from the Gairloch project in Scotland confirmed the potential for a district-scale polymetallic project. MINERALISATION The Canadian company drilled the second exploration hole 23-GL-02 to a depth of 50 metres as a step back from hole 23-GL-01, testing the Kerry Road deposit. The drillhole intersected 1.88 g/t […]

Metals & Minerals News

Galantas finds cobalt-vanadium at Gairloch

Galantas Gold Corporation said it had discovered a range of metals including cobalt and vanadium in the first exploration drillhole at the Gairloch polymetallic project Wester Ross, Scotland. POTENTIAL The Canadian company, targeting the Kerry Road gold-bearing volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, also found copper, silver, titanium and zinc. Hole 23-GL-01 intersected 2.87% copper, 0.77 g/t […]

Metals & Minerals News

Galantas mobilises for drilling Kerry Road

Galantas Gold Corporation has started mobilisation for a drill programme at its recently acquired Gairloch precious and base metals project in Wester Ross, Scotland. PROGRAMME The target is a volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) gold-copper-zinc deposit exposed at surface and one of the oldest known Besshi deposits. The Canadian company’s initial 800-metre programme at Kerry Road […]