Metals & Minerals News

EGT completes drilling at Olserum REE

European Green Transition plc expects to confirm a “district scale rare earth element system” after it completed diamond core drilling at Olserum in Sweden. ENCOURAGING The company drilled 13 holes for 1,500 metres with visual inspection of drill core indicating “broad alteration zones” and intervals with intersections of “visible phosphate mineralisation”. Core logging is complete […]

Metals & Minerals News

EGT encouraged by Limni sampling

European Green Transition plc reported “encouraging” results from diligence sampling at its copper tailings recycling option at the past producing Limni mine in western Cyprus. PROGRESS From 68 samples, the company found acid soluble copper ranging from 0.41% to 0.92% in crusts, “clearly” demonstrating the presence of copper in water at surface. EGT said that […]

Metals & Minerals News

EGT encouraged by further Olserum assays

European Green Transition plc said additional “encouraging” sampling assays supported the possibility of a district-scale system, with further potential, at its Olserum rare earth elements project in south Sweden. CONTINUITY Grab samples were taken at the Djupedal prospect, the nearby Bersummen area, and the newly identified Stora Lockerum structure, with initial results published in May. […]