News Oil & Gas

Europa CEO buys 765,763 company shares

Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc’s chief executive officer Will Holland today bought 765,763 ordinary shares of £0.01 each in the company. The purchase is at an average price of 0.71 pence per ordinary share. Following the acquisition, Mr Holland is beneficially interested 7,109,716 ordinary shares, representing approximately 0.741% of Europa’s issued share capital. The […]

Company Moves News Oil & Gas

Europa appoints Bo Krøll as chairman

Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc has appointed Bo Krøll as non-executive chairman, replacing Brian O’Cathain who leaves the board after seven years’ service. “It has been a privilege to be associated with Europa and I would like to thank shareholders, employees and fellow board members for their support over the years,” said Mr O’Caithain. […]

News Oil & Gas

Europa CEO purchases 623,153 shares

Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc’s chief executive officer William Holland today purchased 623,153 ordinary shares of £0.01 each in the company at a price of 0.83 pence per ordinary share. Following the acquisition, Mr Holland is beneficially interested in a total 6,343,953 ordinary shares, representing approximately 0.661% of the company’s issued share capital. Europa’s […]

Finance News Oil & Gas

Europa ends Whisby 4 royalty agreement

Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc has ended the royalty agreement over the Whisby 4 well in East Lincolnshire with operator and licence holder BritNRG. UNCERTAINTIES The company said the agreement had generated no income for it and that the North Kesteven project would need further investment for a potential cash return. The carrying value […]

Company Moves News Oil & Gas

Europa appoints shareholder as NED

Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc has appointed Bo Krøll to the board as a non-executive director with immediate effect to increase representation of its shareholders. Chief operating officer Alastair Stuart leaves the board in order to maintain a majority of independent non-executive directors on the board. Mr Krøll is a proven entrepreneur, businessman and long-term shareholder in Europa […]