Company Moves Metals & Minerals News

Erris Gold proposes new board members

Erris Gold Resources Ltd has proposed new independent and non-executive directors for the board. The appointments include chief executive officer and director Aiden Lavelle; chief financial officer and director Alan Mooney; executive director David Hall; non-executive director (NED) Mick Oliver (chairman); NED Paul Foord (financial): NED Dr Richard Jemielita (technical) and financial advisor / consultant […]

Metals & Minerals News

Erris notes highest grade boulder sample at Loch Tay

Erris Gold Resources Ltd has recorded its new highest grade boulder sample result of 97.4g/t gold at its precious metals project within the Loch Tay licence in Perthshire, Scotland. SAMPLES A full screen metallic analysis of a recent large boulder sample assayed 29.7 g/t compared with 20.1g/t Au from the initial grab sample near the […]

Metals & Minerals News

Erris doubles Loch Tay gold exploration area

Erris Gold Resources plc said it had more than doubled its exploration area with a new licence granted to partner Greenore Gold in the Loch Tay project within the Grampian gold belt, Scotland. LICENCE In May 2020, the companies jointly applied for the Glen Almond licence covering 250km2 of prospective ground. Erris Gold today announced […]

Metals & Minerals News

Erris scout drilling ‘confirms’ Lead Trial proof of concept

Erris Gold Resources Ltd said that a completed scout diamond drilling programme had confirmed proof of concept at the Lead Trial prospect within the Loch Tay licence in Perthshire, Scotland. PROGRAMME In April, the programme of six holes for 565 metres tested the depth extent of the outcropping A-Vein. This followed the collection of 155 […]