Equipment & Logistics News Oil & Gas

Gardline awarded Anning-Somerville pipeline survey

The Anning and Somerville joint venture has chosen Gardline Ltd for the geophysical pipeline survey for the gas offtake route. OPERATORSHIP Australian company Hartshead Resources NL and Viaro Group subsidiary RockRose Energy Ltd expect the 80.4 metre MV Ocean Observer will mobilise to the two fields to begin operations in September 2023. Gardline will confirm […]

Equipment & Logistics Metals & Minerals News

Heavy rainfall hampers dewatering of lower Llechfraith workings at Clogau

Alba Mineral Resources plc hopes to extend its dewatering permit after “unseasonal and exceptional” heavy rainfall reflooded the lower Llechfraith workings in Clogau-St David’s gold mine. PERMIT VARIATIONS Initial permission was to abstract 100m3 per day for 16 consecutive days, followed by 30m3 per day until 2030 to keep the workings dewatered. The dewatering exercise […]

Equipment & Logistics News Oil & Gas

Helium One completes civils work to spud Tai-C

Helium One Global Ltd is on schedule to start Phase II drilling of the Tai-C well on the Rukwa project following completion of civils work and 2.4km long access road. EQUIPMENT Sub-contractor TNR Ltd has prepared and constructed a 130m x 180m well pad and a concrete cellar to house the wellhead. The well pad, […]

Equipment & Logistics Metals & Minerals News

Cornish Metals pumps first water in 25 years from South Crofty

Cornish Metals Inc has started pumping the first water in a quarter of a century using two submersible pumps in New Cook’s Kitchen shaft from South Crofty tin mine. TREATMENT PLANT Two KSB BSX 463/5 specialist high-head 950 kilowatt vertical submersible pumps, manufactured and supplied by KSB Ltd, sit approximately 360m below surface. The pumps […]

Metals & Minerals News

Sunrise notes resource definition drill at Pioche

Sunrise Resources plc’s partner has started of resource definition drilling at the Pioche sepiolite project in Lincoln County, Nevada, USA. OPEN PIT Spanish subsidiary Tolsa USA Inc’s provisional 24-drillhole programme involves drilling by a truck-mounted auger drill to planned average depth of 50ft. Sunrise said that shallow drilling reflected the surface and near surface position […]