Legal News Oil & Gas

Ascent creates SPV to distribute Slovenia proceeds

Ascent Resources plc is creating a special purpose vehicle to distribute an entitlement to the economic interest in 49% of any net proceeds if its claim against Slovenia is successful. MEETING The company and its subsidiary Ascent Slovenia Ltd are engaged in arbitration over breaches of the Energy Charter Treaty relating to the Petišovci onshore gas […]

Finance Legal News Oil & Gas

Ascent secures ATE insurance for €656.5m damages against Slovenia

Ascent Resources plc has secured after the event (ATE) insurance in relation to the €656.5 million Energy Charter Treaty damages claim over gas exploration against the Republic of Slovenia. PRE-EMPTIVE ACTION The company began its action after delays to and a dispute over the joint venture project within the Petišovci concession area. An ATE insurance […]

Legal News Oil & Gas

Rockhopper faces application to annul €190m award

Rockhopper Exploration plc said that the Italian Government had applied for an annulment of €190 million compensation for the company over the Ombrina Mare oil field dispute. APPLICATION In August the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) arbitration held that Italy had breached its obligations under the Energy Charter Treaty. Rockhopper added that on 28 […]

Legal News Oil & Gas

Ascent completes legal funding for Slovenia claim

Ascent Resources plc said it had signed a binding damages-based “no win no fee” agreement to appoint Enyo Law LLP for its arbitration claim against Slovenia. TREATIES The claim is based on breaches of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) and UK-Slovenia Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT). Enyo represented Ascent in last year’s pre-arbitration negotiations with Slovenia. FRUSTRATION […]

Legal News Oil & Gas

Rockhopper notes close of arbitration

Rockhopper Exploration plc said that it had been told that the proceedings related to the Ombrina Mare arbitration were closed on 25 April 2022. DAMAGES The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) tribunal has 120 days after closing to issue its award, extendable by 60 days. Rockhopper is seeking damages based on lost […]