Equipment & Logistics Finance Metals & Minerals News

WCM secures ‘multi-million pound’ deal for Woodhouse

West Cumbria Mining Ltd (WCM) has completed a new “multi-million pound funding package” for Woodhouse Colliery, near Whitehaven. WORKSTREAMS The undisclosed amount will finance the next development phase throughout 2023 and the start of construction in 2024. WCM previously published its backer as Australian investment company EMR Capital Resources. The company said it had also […]

Legal Metals & Minerals News

Public inquiry begins over WCM coal mine plan

A public inquiry has started on West Cumbria Mining’s plans for a £160 million metallurgical coal mine under the seabed near Whitehaven off the coast of Cumbria. TIMELINE The inquiry follows a decision by the Secretary of State for Local Government, Housing and Communities Robert Jenrick to call in the application for Woodhouse Colliery despite […]

Legal Metals & Minerals News

WCM to face public inquiry on coal mine plans

West Cumbria Mining Ltd (WCM) will face a public inquiry following the Government’s decision, after two previous refusals, to call in the company’s plans for a coking coal mine off the coast of Cumbria. CONTROVERSY The Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government Robert Jenrick MP gave his reasons as increased controversy over […]

Legal Metals & Minerals News

WCM starts legal process over coal mine decision

West Cumbria Mining Ltd (WCM) has started the process for a judicial review over the local council’s decision to reconsider plans for a metallurgical coal mine under the Irish Sea. Cumbria County Council has three times approved the application for Woodhouse Colliery off the coast of Whitehaven. Secretary of State Robert Jenrick has twice refused […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

WCM nears restart of deep coal mining in the UK

West Cumbria Mining (WCM) said it was delighted that the Government has lifted its holding direction on the company’s proposed deep coal mine near Whitehaven, off the coast of Cumbria. ESTIMATED RESOURCE Secretary of State Robert Jenrick MP has decided not call in the application for him to settle the matter and the plans will […]

Metals & Minerals News

WCM mine plans might be decided by Government

West Cumbria Mining Ltd (WCM) might have to wait for the Government to authorise its new metallurgical mine off the coast near Whitehaven. DETERMINATION WCM is due to hear from Cumbria County Council tomorrow (2 October) whether it will approve the mine following revised details of the plans. Secretary of state for housing, communities and […]