Metals & Minerals News Oil & Gas

Corcel awards 3.5m incentive shares to CEO

Corcel plc has awarded 3,506,490 ordinary shares of £0.0001 each in the company under its share incentive plan (SIP) to chief executive officer Scott Kaintz. The company said that the awards were for the 2022-23 tax year as agreed in the trustees meeting held on 5 April 2023. Also in respect of the same tax year, Mr Kaintz […]

Metals & Minerals News Oil & Gas

Corcel sells 20% of Mt Weld to board nominee

Corcel plc has sold 20% of its Mt Weld rare earths project for A$1 million (£500,000) cash to a shareholder company controlled by nominated non-executive board member Antoine Karam. JOINT VENTURE The sale is to Italian private investment company Extraction Srl which currently holds 9.61% in Corcel. Mr Karam was nominated to the board by Corcel’s […]

Metals & Minerals News

Corcel begins RC drill campaign at Mt Weld

Corcel plc has started a seven-hole reverse circulation (RC) drill campaign at the joint venture Mt Weld rare earth elements project near Laverton in Western Australia. PROGRAMME A sub-contractor for the company and its partner Riversgold Ltd will drill a total 2,000m on tenement P34/4489. The site’s four discrete undrilled magnetic features, interpreted to represent potential […]