Finance Metals & Minerals News

Anglesey raises £768,000 via discounted placing

Anglesey Mining plc raised £768,230 after issuing 22,595,000 new ordinary shares, representing 10% of the company’s current issued share capital, at 3.4 pence each. NEW SHAREHOLDERS The placing price represents a discount of 5.6% to the closing price on 7 October 2021. The investors include chief executive Jo Battershill who subscribed, via his company JJB […]

Metals & Minerals News

Chesterfield completes initial study on Adeline

Chesterfield Resources plc has completed an initial field programme on its new 300 km2 Adeline copper exploration project in Labrador, Canada. ADELINE During due diligence and following the acquisition, Chesterfield re-evaluated all historic data using modern techniques and software. “This provided the basis for a two-month helicopter-supported field study across a number of existing targets, […]

Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal nears acquisition of Wallal

Power Metal Resources plc is closer to acquiring First Development Resources Australia (FDR Australia) with its two copper-gold Wallal exploration licences in the Paterson Province of Western Australia. LICENCES The news follows the granting of licences E45/5816 – Wallal Main and E45/5880 – Wallal West 2 to FDR Australia. The Wallal Main licence hosts two magnetic […]

Metals & Minerals News

Cadence could see copper added to its lithium interests

Cadence Minerals plc said it could have exposure to copper assets following Castillo Copper Ltd’s 90-day option agreement for lithium projects in which the mining investor has interests. EXPOSURE Cadence owns a 29% shareholding in Lithium Technologies Pty Ltd (LT) and Lithium Supplies Pty Ltd (LS) which have signed the deal. Following due diligence, Castillo […]

Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal encounters nickel enrichment at Molopo

Power Metal Resources plc said it had encountered nickel enrichment at Molopo Farms Complex nickel-copper-platinum group element (PGE) project in southwest Botswana. ASSAYS The results are from further assays received for hole KKME 1-6, the second of three holes at the project. Nickel enrichment was encountered throughout the entire 7m interval assayed as part of the batch, […]

Metals & Minerals News

Cornish Metals adds second rig to explore Trenares

Cornish Metals Inc has added a second drill rig for a new target as part of the company’s 8,000-9,000m drill programme at its polymetallic project at United Downs, Cornwall. TRENARES LODE The Canadian company said that the second rig would explore Trenares lode, a new copper – tin – zinc target discovered during the 1970s […]