Metals & Minerals News

Kavango identifies over 90 Karakubis trap sites

Kavango Resources plc has identified more than 90 interpreted trap-site features, with 10 priority targets for phase I drilling, at the 6,200km2 Karakubis copper project in Botswana. GOAL Previous analysis of core indicated the potential for the trap sites, which the company believes are associated with “doubly plunging anticlinal fold and fault structures”. Each potential trap […]

Metals & Minerals News

Tertiary delineates copper-in-soil anomaly

Tertiary Minerals plc has delineated a “large and strategically located copper-in-soilanomaly” at its Mupala project in the Kabompo Dome of the Nothwestern Province, Zambia. PROMISING The company collected 684 soil samples in areas of anomalous copper-in-soil with results identifying a copper-in-soil anomaly approximately 1,800m long by 600m wide. Portable X-ray fluorescence analysis identified a peak […]

Metals & Minerals News

Guardian stakes more claims at Pilot

Guardian Metal Resources plc has staked 16 further claims at its Pilot Mountain tungsten project following indications of a “much larger” porphyry system than first expected. EXPANSION The company engaged porphyry copper deposit specialist Dr Lawrence Carter following the June discovery of the mineralised system in drill hole PM24-002 at the Nevada site. He will assess […]

Company Moves Metals & Minerals News

Altona exercises Sesana option

Altona Rare Earths plc has exercised its option to acquire up to 85% in the Sesana copper-silver project within PL2329/2023 in Botswana’s Kalahari copper belt.  COMPANY MOVES The company and vendor Ignate African Minerals (Pty) Ltd are expected to sign the final agreement shortly. Altona said that activities relating to Botswana environmental and administrative processes […]

Metals & Minerals News

Kavango confirms mineralisation at Karakubis

Kavango Resources plc said it had confirmed copper-silver mineralisation in the first high priority target at the Karakubis copper project in Botswana’s Kalahari copper belt. MODELLING Analysis of core also showed “further indicators of structural trap sites” and “validated” the company’s modelling of the KCB. Results also confirmed the project’s prospectivity for “large-scale copper/silver deposits”, […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Panther granted Dotted Lake exploration permit

Panther Metals plc has received a three-year exploration permit for the North Limb, covering Dotted Lake, of the Schreiber-Hemlo greenstone belt in Ontario. FINANCING The company plans a comprehensive work programme on the “highly prospective” intrusive linked nickel-copper-cobalt and platinum group metal target in the northeast of Dotted Lake. The site lies approximately 16km north of […]