Metals & Minerals News

Tertiary notes environment brief approval for Mushima copper

Tertiary Minerals plc’s local partner and licence holder Mwashia Resources Ltd has received approval of the environmental project brief (EPB) for its Mushima North copper projects in Zambia. MUSHIMA The project, together with the Mukai project in Zambia has a data sharing and technical agreement with global copper producer First Quantum Minerals Ltd. Tertiary is […]

Metals & Minerals News

FCM reports further high grade intercepts at West Pickle Lake

First Class Metals plc (FCM) reported further high-grade drillhole intercepts from the West Pickle Lake massive sulphide discovery in Ontario, Canada. JOINT VENTURE The Pickle Lake project area comprises 33 single cell mining claims over which Palladium One Inc has the option to earn in to an 80% interest subject to a three-year work programme commitment. […]

Metals & Minerals News

CAML records strong Kounrad-Sasa production

Central Asia Metals plc operations report showed copper recovery above guidance and zinc-lead production within guidance from its operations in Kazakhstan and North Macedonia. KOUNRAD At the Kounrad dump leach, solvent extraction and electro-winning (SX-EW) copper recovery plant, the company reported record production of 14, 254 tonnes of copper, with zero lost time injuries. The […]

Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal plans Wilan merger to reach Mount Isa

Power Metal Resources plc is extending its Australian copper reach in a planned merger of its Wilan project with two companies holding other exploration licences in Queensland. LISTING The Wilan project comprises two exploration licences covering a total 1,994km2. Power Metal has signed a heads-of-terms to combine Wilan with projects held by Australian companies RAB […]

Metals & Minerals News

Tertiary prepares for exploration after losses double

Tertiary Minerals plc reported £1 million losses including the impairment for the Pyramid project as the company looks to further exploration next year in the USA and Zambia. FINANCES The company holds early stage assets in Zambia where it completed its first full year of exploration, and Nevada in the USA as well as legacy […]