Finance Metals & Minerals News

Condor chairman raises £1m for La India sale

Condor Gold plc chairman Jim Mellon exercised warrants for £1 million to ensure the company has sufficient money during the sales process for La India open pit in Nicaragua. OFFERS The exercise over 6,666,667 new ordinary shares, each at an issue price of £0.15, was by Galloway Ltd, owned by Burnbrae Group Ltd which is, […]

Metals & Minerals News

Condor attracts ‘substantial interest’ in La India

Condor Gold plc said it continued to receive “substantial interest” for its La India open it in Nicaragua, but cautioned that a sale was not certain. RARITY The company, which announced the sale of its flagship asset in November 2022, added it was encouraged by the process to date. Five non-binding offers have been made, […]

Metals & Minerals News

Condor Gold grants 4.6m share options

Condor Gold plc granted directors, employees and consultants a total 4.6 million share options, representing 2.45% of the issued share capital, under its existing share option scheme. PDMRs* On 6 July, directors receiving in total 3,250,000 options include chief executive officer Mark Child 1,250,000 options; chairman Jim Mellon 300,000; non-executive directors Kate Harcourt 300,000; Andrew […]

Metals & Minerals News

Condor receives non-binding offers for La India

Condor Gold plc has received non-binding offers with further expected for its flagship La India gold project in Nicaragua. NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTS The company is in the first phase of the sales process with “various parties having conducted site visits and others ongoing”. “Three formal expressions of interest including two non-binding offers (subject to further due […]

Company Moves Metals & Minerals News

Condor Gold appoints Denham Eke as NED

Condor Gold plc has appointed Denham Eke as a non-executive director of the company.  Mr Eke’s appointment is a condition of Galloway Ltd’s subscription for the £1m unsecured convertible loan notes on 28 November. He is the sole director of Galloway Ltd, an 18.7% shareholder in Condor which is wholly owned by Burnbrae Group Ltd […]