Metals & Minerals News

Alba completes first blast at Clogau

Alba Mineral Resources plc has successfully completed the first blast at its Llechfraith priority gold target at Clogau gold mine in north Wales. COMMERCIAL “We are delighted to have successfully and safely completed the first blast at our main gold target at Clogau, the Llechfraith target,” said executive chairman George Frangeskides. “To our knowledge, this is […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Alba raises £300,000 via placing

Alba Mineral Resources plc has raised £300,000 in a placing and subscription of 857,142,857 new ordinary shares at 0.035 pence per ordinary share. USES Chairman George Frangeskides subscribed for 48,571,428 shares for £17,000 and non-executive director Michael Nott subscribed for 8,571,428 (£3,000). Following admission, the total number of ordinary shares in issue will be 9,175,447,238, with voting rights. The […]

Metals & Minerals News

Alba cheered by ‘exceptionally high grade’ sample results

Alba Mineral Resources plc reported “exceptionally high-grade sampling results” from No.4 level at the lower Llechfraith workings in Clogau-St David’s gold mine, north Wales. OPPORTUNITY The company said it was encouraged by the findings from refined composites of heavy mineral concentrates produced from processing more than 40 samples. From composite 1, recovery of gold weighed 3.1 […]