Metals & Minerals News

Condor CEO receives 235,000 bonus shares

Condor Gold plc chief executive Mark Child has received a bonus of 235,294 shares at 28 pence each in the company for the financial year ended 31 December 2023. The company’s remuneration committee recommended the bonus which the board approved with Mr Child absent from the process. Following the issue of the 235,294 payment shares, […]

Metals & Minerals News

Obituary – mining executive and Green Glen chairman David Hall

Green Glen Minerals Ltd has announced the sudden death of its executive chairman and director David Hall PGeo. A fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists and EuroGeol, Mr Hall had some 35 years’ experience in exploration projects and mines in more than 50 countries. His previous roles included chief geologist for Minorco SA, exploration […]

Finance News Oil & Gas

i3 Energy CEO purchases 196,318 shares

i3 Energy plc chief executive officer Majid Shafiq purchased 196,318 ordinary shares each of 0.01 pence in the company at a price of 12.7 pence per share.  Following the transaction on 4 July, Mr Shafiq has in aggregate 9,734,609 ordinary shares representing 0.81% of the company’s issued share capital.

Company Moves Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal CEO Paul Johnson steps down

Power Metal Resources plc’s chief executive officer Paul Johnson has stepped down with immediate effect because of critical family health matters. He will be replaced by Sean Wade and will leave the board on 17 March. Mr Johnson will continue to work with the company on the managerial transition, communication strategies and notably “accelerate the […]