Metals & Minerals News

Tertiary to plan drilling at Brunton Pass

Tertiary Minerals plc plans a drilling programme following its summer exploration campaign at the Brunton Pass copper-gold project in Nevada, USA. MINERALISATION The company’s work included trenching, sampling, geochemical analysis, petrologicalevaluation and field follow up. Six trenches were completed for a total 386m to evaluate further previously reported copper, mercury and arsenic anomalies in soil […]

Metals & Minerals News

Tertiary continues focus on Nevada and Zambia copper

Tertiary Minerals plc today said it would continue its focus on “the most widely used battery metal” – copper – at the company’s projects in Zambia and central Nevada, USA. BRUNTON PASS The company will next week begin a trenching programme at its 100%-owned Brunton Pass copper project. The programme comprises up to 950m trenching […]