Finance News Oil & Gas

Angus grants 30m incentive share options

Angus Energy plc granted 30 million share options under its existing employee incentive schemes to its employees. The company said that the grant, from 19 January, reflected the management’s efforts in achieving successful operations at the Saltfleetby gas field. The share options have an exercise price of 0.67 pence per share and a 10-year term […]

Equipment & Logistics News Oil & Gas

Angus estimates £7m Saltfleetby revenues for Q4

Angus Energy plc estimated revenues of £7.2 million for last year’s final quarter from Saltfleetby gas field, East Lincolnshire. PERMANENT FLOWLINE Gas volumes produced and sold equalled 7.35 mm therms in aggregate for October to December 2023, a slight decline compared with Q3 of 7.9 mm therms. Q4 operational efficiency was 87% (Q3: 90%) with gas condensate (liquid) production […]

Equipment & Logistics News Oil & Gas

Angus commissions permanent flowline

Angus Energy plc has commissioned the permanent flowline from the BO7T sidetrack well at the Saltfleetby gas field in Lincolnshire. COST REDUCTIONS In May the company connected the well with a temporary flowline and began construction of its permanent replacement. “This has been a challenging project not least because of the weather conditions during construction […]

Finance News Oil & Gas

Angus issues shares for £3m loan

Angus Energy plc received shareholders’ approval in yesterday’s general meeting to issue 516,033,308 shares at 0.66 pence to Kemexon Ltd in exchange for a £3 million loan. Following the issue of the shares, Angus will have 4,142,893,340 ordinary shares in issue, each with one vote. The company holds no ordinary shares in treasury.

Equipment & Logistics Legal News Oil & Gas

Angus to resume testing at Balcombe well site

Angus Energy plc will restart testing the existing Balcombe well site in West Sussex after the High Court dismissed a judicial review from objectors. PARTNERS The Balcombe-2Z well was drilled almost a decade ago and in November 2018 the company as operator conducted a short-term, inconclusive test. Project partners of PEDL244 at the time comprised […]