Metals & Minerals News

GreenRoc outlines Phase II drilling for Amitsoq graphite

GreenRoc Mining plc said it would start its Phase II drilling campaign later this month at the Amitsoq Island graphite project in southern Greenland. PROGRAMME In a 12-week programme, GreenRoc plans to drill up to 27 holes for 3,200m, with the aim of increasing and upgrading the current initial JORC resource of 8.28Mt at 19.75% […]

Metals & Minerals News

GreenRoc increases exploration target to 5-15Mt at Amitsoq graphite project

GreenRoc Mining plc announced a “significant increase” to the exploration target for the Amitsoq Island graphite deposit in southern Greenland. ESTIMATES The company’s Amitsoq project hosts one of highest-grade graphite deposits in the world. The initial resource estimate in May 2021 in a tonnage range of 1.7 Mt-4.5 Mt at a grade range of 24-36% […]

Metals & Minerals News

GreenRoc declares graphite ore resource exceeds previous range at Amitsoq

GreenRoc Mining plc announced a “significant” initial ore resource, with total graphite content exceeding the previous tonnage range at its Amitsoq project, southern Greenland. JORC RESOURCE The company reported a combined indicated and inferred JORC resource of 8.28 million tonnes (Mt) at an average grade of 19.75%, giving a total graphite content of 1.63Mt. This […]

Metals & Minerals News

Alba completes 100% acquisition of Greenland projects

Alba Mineral Resources plc has acquired outstanding minority interests to complete its 100% ownership of the Amitsoq graphite and Melville Bay iron ore projects in Greenland. The acquisitions are a precursor to the spin-out of Alba’s Greenland projects into a new AIM-quoted company Listco. The transaction requires 100% ownership of all the Greenland projects to be delivered to Listco.   […]

Metals & Minerals News

Alba starts 1,700 drill to prepare mineral resource for Amitsoq graphite

Alba Mineral Resources plc said it had started drilling in preparation for an initial mineral resource at the Amitsoq Island graphite deposit, southern Greenland. The miner aims to drill 15 holes for 1,700 metres in some six weeks. Alba has previously reported Amitsoq graphite to be among the highest-grade graphite projects in the world, averaging 28.7% […]

Metals & Minerals News

Alba to explore for up to 3.6Mt graphite at Amitsoq

Alba Mineral Resources plc said it had identified an exploration target for 1.3 to 3.6 million tonnes of contained graphite at its two deposits in the Amitsoq project, southern Greenland. An independent detailed assessment for each of the Amitsoq and Kalaaq deposits, together comprising the Amitsoq graphite project, revealed a “significant exploration target.” Results show […]