Metals & Minerals News

Obituary – mining executive and Green Glen chairman David Hall

Green Glen Minerals Ltd has announced the sudden death of its executive chairman and director David Hall PGeo. A fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists and EuroGeol, Mr Hall had some 35 years’ experience in exploration projects and mines in more than 50 countries. His previous roles included chief geologist for Minorco SA, exploration […]

Metals & Minerals News

Altus-Elemental merger receives court sanction

Altus Strategies plc’s share-for-share merger of equals with Elemental Royalties Corp has received court sanction. TIMETABLE The companies first announced the agreement in June and received shareholder approval on 8 August. Altus said that the High Court of Justice of England and Wales had today made an order sanctioning the scheme under section 899 of […]

Company Moves Metals & Minerals News

Altus shareholders approve Elemental merger

Altus Strategies plc said it had gained majority shareholder approval for its proposed merger with Elemental Royalties Corp. MAJORITY Once completed Elemental shareholders will own 52.9% and Altus shareholders 47.1% of the enlarged mining royalty company Elemental Altus Royalties Corp. Each company will nominate four directors to the board for a total of eight. The […]

Metals & Minerals News

Altus reports 67% rise in reserves and $150m NPV for Diba gold project

Altus Strategies plc announced a 67% increase in mineral reserves and post-tax net present value (NPV) of US$150 million for its 100% owned Diba & Laflanka gold project in western Mali. MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE The company reported the figures in its revised mineral resource estimate (MRE) and preliminary economic assessment (PEA). Altus said it aimed […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Altus Strategies notes directors’ / PDMRs dealings

Altus Strategies plc announced three directors’ dealings on 15 June 2022. PDMRs Chief executive officer and director Steven Poulton purchased 100,000 ordinary shares of £0.05 each at an average price of 47.72p per share, for £47,724. This will increase his shares to 6,700,000, representing 5.71% of the company’s outstanding issued ordinary share capital. Executive director […]