Equipment & Logistics News Oil & Gas

UKOG suspends testing at Pinarova-1

UK Oil & Gas plc (UKOG) suspended testing to await more powerful 7-inch perforating guns to penetrate the 9⅝-inch casing and cement of the Pinarova-1 exploration well in Turkey. EQUIPMENT The decision follows analysis of downhole pressure gauge data from testing which indicated that the 4.5-inch perforating guns used were unable to establish direct contact […]

Equipment & Logistics News Oil & Gas

UKOG prepares to drill Pinarova-1

UK Oil & Gas plc (UKOG) is preparing for the next drill stage to test whether the Pinarova-1 exploration well is fed by and connected to an underlying 9km2 light oil accumulation at the site in Turkey. SCHEDULE Following initial drilling, the company’s joint venture partner has set and cemented the well’s 9⅝ inch casing down […]

Equipment & Logistics News Oil & Gas

UKOG completes phase I seismic at Basur

UK Oil & Gas plc (UKOG) announced the completion of Phase I 2D seismic acquisition over the target area and trajectory of the proposed Basur-3 (B-3) mechanical sidetrack (B-3S), onshore Turkey. BASUR-RESAN UKOG’s wholly owned subsidiary, UKOG Turkey Ltd, holds a 50% non-operated interest in B-3 and the surrounding 305 km² Resan M47-b1, b2 licence […]