Metals & Minerals News

Sunrise stakes 27 mining claims at Reese Ridge

Sunrise Resources plc has staked 27 new mining claims targeting gold and base metals immediately next to its Ridge limestone project at Reese Ridge in central Nevada, USA.

Acquisitions: panorama image of the Reese Ridge project in Nevada (Sunrise Resources)


The project lies on the south side of the prospective Humboldt structural zone and next to the Reese River geothermal system which is currently undergoing exploration for geothermal energy.


The company’s exploration surveys identified a zone of low-resistivity at 250m below the surface mineralisation in prospective lower-plate sediments, now considered a “prime drill target”.

The target is also thought to be prospective for a number of styles of mineralisation commonly found in Nevada, including Carlin-type gold deposits, carbonate replacement lead-zinc-silver deposits and epithermal gold/silver deposits.


Executive chairman Patrick Cheetham said that the new claims were consistent with Sunrise’s policy to own exploration projects at very low cost to sell or be part of a joint venture and to mitigate risk from over exposure to one project or resource.

“We have already done this successfully with our Garfield, Stonewall, Jackson’s Wash and Pioche projects.

“The mineralisation we are seeing at surface at Reese Ridge is associated with a significant heat cell boundary fault for the adjacent geothermal system and, we believe, may represent upper-level leakage from a larger mineralised source at depth expressed as a resistivity anomaly.

“It is a stand-out target for drill testing and has exciting potential.”