Sunrise Resources plc received high zinc, lead and silver grades from analysis of samples collected from its Reese Ridge project in central Nevada, USA.

The project lies on the south side of the prospective Humboldt structural zone, 52 miles south-southwest of Battle Mountain.
A previous mapping sample yielded 15.9% zinc and the company has now relocated the original sample site to take two additional grab samples.
Results show 13.6% zinc, 12.8% lead, 146ppm silver from the first and 29.6% zinc, 0.3% lead, 7ppm silver from the second.
Sunrise said that the low resistivity zone previously defined remained a priority drill target.
Executive chairman Patrick Cheetham added that the project had many of the characteristics of a carbonate replacement deposit.
“As with the original reconnaissance sample, the high zinc values in these new rock samples came as a very pleasant surprise.
“We believe the zinc occurs in these samples as secondary minerals, formed from weathering of zinc sulphides.
“These secondary zinc minerals are visually unremarkable and difficult to distinguish from the host rock, even for experienced mineralogists.
“These very high zinc grades could have been easily missed by earlier prospectors and explorers.”