Metals & Minerals News

Sunrise reports Baker’s high grade gold assays

Sunrises Resources plc announced high-grade gold assay results from its wholly owned Baker’s gold project in the Meekatharra District of the Murchison gold field, Western Australia.

The Meekatharra District has a history of production from rich gold deposits (Sunrise Resources)


Drilling at the site aims to enhance the project for sale or joint venture while the company remains focused on developing its CS Pozolan-Perlite project in Nevada.

Five holes were drilled to depths of 110 to 200m for a total of 590m.

Hole 21SBRC002 on DRL4 target intersected 2m grading 11.5g/t gold from 64m downhole, including 1m grading 20.4g/t gold from 64m.

The DLR4 target is named after the hole number of a shallow rotary air blast drill hole completed by Australian Consolidated Minerals in 1987.


Executive chairman Patrick Cheetham said that the drill intersection in hole 21SBRC002, made in a three-hole traverse drilled to test a surface gold-in-soil anomaly, warranted immediate follow up.

“The soil anomalies extend over 500m so are hopeful of that the mineralisation will have a good strike extent but further drilling will be required to determine the full potential of this high grade mineralisation.

“The Meekatharra District has a long history of production from rich gold deposits with several million ounces of gold already produced and in remaining defined resources with active production from a number of open pit and underground mines.”


The majority of Sunrise’s projects are in Nevada, US.

Its pozzalan-perlite projects are CS Pozzolan-Perlite project; NewPerl prospect; and Jackson Wash.

Its precious metals projects include Sundance, (gold); Bay State, (silver); Clayton, (silver); Newark (gold) all in Nevada; and Baker’s (gold) Australia.

The company’s industrial minerals projects are County Line (diatomite); and Ridge (limestone), Nevada.

Sunrise’s royalty interest projects include Junction (gold); Garfield (copper-gold); and Stonewall (gold), Nevada.

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