Metals & Minerals News

Sunrise finds new mineralisation at Reese Ridge

Sunrise Resources plc sampling analytical results have located a new area of high-grade zinc, lead and silver at Reese Ridge in Nevada, USA.

Target: CRD-style economic deposits tend to be large and high grade (Pixabay)


The project lies on the south side of the Humboldt Structural Zone, 52 miles south-southwest of Battle Mountain.

The company’s short summer programme aimed to find additional areas of high-grade base metal and silver mineralisation at surface.

Field portable x-ray fluorescence analyser located the new area of mineralisation 260m west of previously reported high-grade samples.

Sunrise said that laboratory analysis confirmed 24.5% combined lead-zinc and 383g/t silver in one sample, and 18.6% combined lead-zinc and 51g/t silver in a second.

Additional samples of iron-rich gossans contained zinc in the 0.1%-3.2% range, while widespread barite mineralisation was also reported.

Executive chairman Patrick Cheetham described the results as “very encouraging”.

“All of these samples lie above the large low resistivity zone that has been defined as a primary drill target for CRD [carbonate replacement deposit] mineralisation by the company’s interpretation of historical airborne geophysical surveys.

“CRD style mineralisation is an attractive target as economic deposits tend to be large and high-grade.

“Given the scale of the opportunity presented at Reese Ridge it makes sense that the board
considers Reese Ridge to be a priority asset for exploration alongside the commercialisation
of our high-quality industrial mineral assets.

“Further work could include ground geophysics and drilling as resources allow.”