Metals & Minerals News

Sunrise notes extensive trenching plans at Pioche

Sunrise Resources plc reported an application for extensive trenching programme at the company’s sepiolite project near the historic mining town of Pioche in Lincoln County, Nevada, USA.

Evaluation: of the thicknesses and quality of the Pioche sepiolite deposits (Sunrise)


The project is under a $1.25 million sale option to Tolsa USA Inc which submitted the notice to the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for approval as part of its ongoing due diligence.

In July 2022, Tolsa completed a surface mapping programme which identified multiple sepiolite horizons below the original discovery level.


Sunrise said that Tolsa now plans up to 2km of excavator trenching aimed to improve exposure and sampling of the sepiolite deposits.

Trenching is due to start at the end of September and, subject to BLM approval, will take up to four weeks to complete.


Executive chairman Patrick Cheetham added that the company was very encouraged by the quick start Tolsa had made in evaluating the Pioche project.

“This trenching will provide further exposures of the mineralisation to enable a better evaluation of the thicknesses and quality of the Pioche sepiolite deposits.

“We are pleased to see favourable results from Tolsa’s work to-date and to have assisted Tolsa
in formulating its proposals to the BLM.”

Sepiolite is a scarce non-swelling, lightweight, porous hydrous magnesium silicate clay used in pet litter, agriculture, animal feeds and to decolour vegetable and mineral oils.