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Sunrise begins joint tests on Hazen natural pozzolan

Sunrise Resources plc is working with an existing processor of natural pozzolan to mine and test-grind a bulk sample of the company’s Hazen deposit in northern Nevada, USA.

Markets: CS and Hazen pozzolan target different regional areas of cement and concrete demand (Sunrise)


The Hazen pozzolan project is in Churchill County 20 miles from the town of Fernley and 24 miles from the county town of Fallon.

In June 2021, the company staked its mining claims to cover a deposit of glassy pumice targeted as a natural pozzolan.

Sunrise said that pumice was currently mined elsewhere in the USA as natural pozzolan.

Some decades ago, it was mined at Hazen as a lightweight aggregate from a shallow open pit.


Sunrise and its partner successfully laboratory tested the Hazen pozzolan before agreeing to work together.

The test-grind programme will provide further information on the mining characteristics and grinding behaviour on a commercial scale of the Hazen mineral.

The partners will extract and process approximately 250 tons of natural pozzolan, at no cost to Sunrise.

Equipment is being mobilised and the bulk sample is scheduled for mining and delivery to the process plant this week before processing.

Executive chairman Patrick Cheetham added that neither party was obliged to take the agreement further.

“The other party has the processing facilities and marketing network in those regions targeted by the Hazen project to commercialise the Hazen deposit in the future and the deposit is well located close to rail.”

Sunrise remains focused on its more advanced CS pozzolan-perlite project, targeting a different regional area of cement and concrete demand served by cement and ready-mix companies.