News Oil & Gas

UKOOG urges inclusion of shale gas in energy security strategy

The UK’s onshore oil and gas industry body has urged shale gas to be included in the Government’s homegrown energy security strategy announced today.

(North Sea Transition Authority – formerly OGA)


The announcement of the strategy follows yesterday’s news that the Government had commissioned the British Geological Survey (BGS) to conduct a scientific review on shale gas extraction.

Charles McAllister, director of policy, government and public affairs at UK Onshore Oil and Gas (UKOOG), said that the Government should “make every effort to develop the country’s onshore natural gas resources locked within the abundant Bowland shale”.

“[These] are potentially between seven and 17 times larger than the currently identified contingent offshore reserves.”


Mr McAllister supported government plans to develop rapidly industrial clusters and hydrogen production in the UK, with natural gas being the key feedstock for blue hydrogen.

“The UK Government can decide to fuel these industrial clusters with imported LNG or with UK shale gas, the latter generating jobs in deprived communities, raising tax revenue, improving energy security, and levelling up the UK.

“Any failure to exploit the proven Bowland Hodder shale formation in northern England would see the UK continue to drift into increased import dependence on foreign sources.”

He also welcomed the BGS review, adding that the production of shale gas in the UK could make a “timely difference to our energy security”.

*The energy security strategy also includes plans for an autumn licensing round for new North Sea oil and gas projects.