Extractive Industries

Scotgold to start blasting at Cononish

Scotgold Resources Ltd said it aimed to start blasting in approximately a week’s time at Cononish gold and silver mine near Tyndrum in Scotland.

Current: 445 East level development ore being fed to the process plant is good gold grade ore (Scotgold Resources)


The Australian company has finished long hole stoping on block 1 and now started on block 2 along the 115m strike length in the underground mine.

Other work completed includes the raised air vent for better ventilation between the 400 and 415 level and the waste ramp to the 445 level, allowing development mining to begin on the 445 East level ore body.

“The 445 East level development ore currently being fed to the process plant is good gold grade ore, in line with our expectations, with an average grade of 8.3g/t, with the last three assays coming in at 13.7g/t, 12.9g/t and 16.9g/t respectively,” added Scotgold.

The progress was published as chief executive officer Phil Day announced his intention to resign to spend more time with his family in Australia.

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