Metals & Minerals News

Scotgold increases volume and quality of ore at Cononish

Scotgold Resources Ltd said that during July the volume and quality of ore stored on the stockpile in the high grade area of Cononish gold and silver project near Tyndrum in Scotland.

Process: Scotgold’s risk analysis approach is to prevent future failures (Scotgold)

The Australian miner added it had shipped another 25 tonnes of concentrate, which strengthened its goal to achieve a steady increase in production.


Scotgold’s dual focus is to enhance safe production through consistency and stability of mine and process plant operations as well as to open multiple faces of ore in the underground mine itself.

The company said that the ore thickness being encountered was wider than anticipated and produced more high grade ore from the cut and fill section. 

The second DUX truck is expected to arrive at the end of August to use in September, and is expected to reduce the risk to operations.


As part of Scotgold’s risk analysis approach, the process plant was taken offline several times throughout July “to conduct further proactive inspections of risk areas to prevent future failures.”

“This work proved useful in identifying a number of preventative measures which has resulted in the process plant having been in 24 hour operations since this work was completed,” said the company in a statement.

“This step change has seen the process plant average over 90% of design throughput for the last 10 days of the month.”

Scotgold said in future it expected to publish more forward looking statements including the increase of production and new estimates for 2021 gold production.