News Oil & Gas

Scirocco JV awards seismic contract for Ruvuma

Scirocco Energy plc said that the seismic acquisition contract has been awarded for the 3,447km2 Ruvuma joint venture (JV) in southeast Tanzania.

Milestone: operations at Ruvuma aim to understand its full potential (Aminex)


JV partner ARA Petroleum Tanzania Limited (APT) awarded the contract to Africa Geophysical Services Ltd (AGS) for the seismic programme.

Scirocco holds a 25% working interest in the Ruvuma petroleum sharing agreement of which approximately 90% lies onshore and the balance offshore.


AGS intends to start gathering 338 km² of 3D seismic data in the Ntorya location from October 2021. 

The company will focus on the proposed location for the Chikumbi-1 well (CH-1) to acquire as much data as possible before the start of the rainy season.

The programme will after then restart with no additional cost to the JV partners.


“The award of the seismic acquisition contract is exciting news and marks an important milestone for the Ruvuma project,” said Scirocco chief executive Tom Reynolds.

“Following the recent award of the two-year licence extension, the project is now entering a period of operational activity designed to understand the full potential of the development – a key value inflection point.”