Metals & Minerals News

Red Rock locates anomalous areas ahead of drilling at Mikei

Red Rock Resources plc has recorded four important anomalous areas in the Masurura area at the Eastern licence as the company prioritises drill targets for its 100% owned Mikei gold project (MGP) in Kenya.

Priority: Red Rock aims to enhance the extent, tonnage and grade of the key deposit and identify new drill targets (Pixabay)


The MGP comprises two prospecting licences, PL/2018/0202 and PL/2018/0203 covering 245 km2,over the Migori greenstone belt. 

The company first collected a 115.2 line km of induced polarisation (IP) data by a ground survey conducted on 25 degrees north lines with a 100m line spacing and 50m reading station in the Eastern licence.

The programme was designed, carried out and processed by Red Rock’s in-house geological team using the company own geophysical equipment.

Red Rock said it also continued its other exploration activities with 451 metres of reverse circulation drilled at KKM Central and 65.3 line km of ground magnetic survey at Kuruntyange


The four anomalous areas are in Francis 2, Francis 3, Lake Bush and Lake Bush BIF (banded iron formation).

“The chargeability map coincides well with previously delineated soil geochemical contours (100ppb), historic drilled assay intercepts at shallow depths and the presence of artisanal miners,” said the company.

Red Rock will also focus on prioritising targets and locations for a drill programme for 2022.


Chairman Andrew Bell said that completion of the current phase of geophysical exploration in the Eastern licence, which had undergone less historical work, had identified priority areas for follow-up exploration.

He added that drilling continued in the Western licence within the resource area after being interrupted by a breakdown in equipment.

An additional compressor is being brought to improve penetration and recoveries in parts of the area where graphitic shales around the level of the water table have affected drill performance.

“Our priority is through drilling to enhance the extent, tonnage and grade of the key deposit areas that have already been identified, while identifying fresh drill targets along the trend.

“In opening up this new area further east along the belt from our existing defined resources, the IP programme has shown once more the considerable exploration upside that exists within our licences.”