Finance Metals & Minerals News

Red Rock defers payment for Australia assets

Red Rock Resources plc has secured more time to pay £250,000 to take control of all its Australia gold assets.

Signed: non-disclosure agreements with potential listed partners (Pixabay)


The parties agreed a new date of 13 September following delays to the company’s Congolese arbitration award and employee sickness in Burkina Faso.

Red Rock said it had been in Kinshasa over recent weeks and expects to return for “the final meeting” with the new post-election administration.

Chairman Andrew Bell added: “Given the tempo of activity during the holiday season across the company’s activities, notably in DRC but also in Burkina Faso where we are moving towards gold production and travel plans have been affected by illness of two key personnel, we are grateful for the agreement of the vendors in Australia in adjusting the timing of one element of the consideration.” 

Exploration has started in its easternmost licence of Kilmore in the Victoria gold fields.

Non disclosure agreements have also been signed with “various potential listed partners” while discussions are underway for a possible listing.

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