News Oil & Gas

Reabold CPR bolsters farm-out plans for licences

Reabold Resources plc said its aim to farm-out its North Sea assets has been bolstered by a new competent person’s report (CPR).

Opportunities: comprise a number of play types of both gas and oil (Reabold Resources)


RPS Group’s report covers licences P2464, P2504 and P2605, in which Reabold has a 100% working interest, and licence P2478 containing the Dunrobin complex (36%).

Reabold acquired the licences in May 2022 from Corallian Energy for £250,000.

The company added that the CPR highlighted the potential of its key central and northern North Sea assets in the Inner Moray Firth, East Shetland Basin and the North West of Shetland.

The opportunities comprise a number of play types of both gas and oil with proven potential from analogue fields.

Reabold noted mean estimate aggregate of unrisked net prospective oil resources of 148.5 mmbbls, and mean estimate aggregate of unrisked net prospective gas resources of 211.6 bcf, or ca. 36.5 mmboe.