News Oil & Gas

Rathlin mobilises equipment for tests at West Newton B-1Z

Rathlin Energy (UK) Ltd said it had mobilised equipment to complete and test the West Newton B-1Z (WNB-1Z) sidetrack well in East Yorkshire.

WNB-1Z: the operations are appraising hydrocarbons within the conventional Kirkham Abbey formation reservoir (Union Jack Oil)

The site operator added that a workover rig, well test package, Certified Ultra-Low Emission Burners, a wireline unit and other related materials will be set up during the first week of operations.

Following completion, perforation and well treatment operations will begin and then the well will be tested.

The completion and testing of WNB-1Z is expected to take approximately six weeks.

The operations are targeting and fully appraising hydrocarbons within the conventional Kirkham Abbey formation reservoir where WNB-1Z encountered a gross 62 metre thick hydrocarbon in December 2020.

Following operations on the WNB-1Z well, Rathlin intends to mobilise equipment and personnel to the West Newton A site to re-start testing of the WNA-2 well which is also appraising hydrocarbons within the Kirkham Abbey reservoir.

The JV comprises Reabold Resources plc with 56% economic interest in West Newton via its 59% share in the site operator Rathlin Energy (UK) Ltd, which in turn holds 66.67% interest in PEDL183. Reabold also has 16.665% direct interest in the licence and Union Jack Oil plc holds 16.665%.

The licence contains West Newton A-1 (WNA-1) discovery well, the West Newton A-2 (WNA-2) appraisal well and the recently drilled WNB-1Z discovery.

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