Predator Oil & Gas Holdings plc said it had included a third well in its investigative work at the pilot enhanced oil recovery (EOR) assisted by carbon dioxide project (pilot CO2 EOR) in Inniss-Trinity field, onshore Trinidad.

The company added that swab tests and investigation of two of the four wells originally selected to evaluate well condition had been completed. If found suitable, the wells will return to production.
All three wells, which previously only produced water, recovered oil during swabbing operations (approximately 10 barrels in the recovered fluid).
Fluid levels in the wells have risen in response to CO2 injection at AT-5X, said Predator.
“The encouraging results facilitates moving to the next stage to reactivate at least two of these wells for production.
“Swab tests and investigations confirm potential for realising pre-injection desktop production plateau forecasts in the range 243 -547 bopd from Herrera #2 Sand.
“Three further wells will be swabbed and investigated as soon as well services are released from other work.”
The company added that the addition of the Herrera #2 Sand perforating opportunity in a further well would create an inventory of up to seven production wells versus only three wells used for the forecast in the pre-pilot CO2 EOR project plan submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries.
Future work includes completion of swab investigations of remaining three wells, further continuous CO2 injection at AT-5X, and continuation of enhanced production from existing production wells.
Predator also aims to reactivate two of the seven available wells to add CO2 EOR production and determine the increase in incremental oil flow rates over one month of CO2 injection.
“We continue to make solid progress with the company’s CO2 EOR project onshore Trinidad at Inniss-Trinity,” said chief executive Paul Griffiths.
“Latest results are very encouraging and support the impact CO2 is having in gradually enhancing oil production.
“Much of the hard work has now been completed and the next challenge is to scale up the injected volumes of CO2 and resulting enhanced oil production to attain the optimum production profile achievable for the AT-4 Block.”