Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal starts inaugural drill at Molopo

Power Metal Resources plc has started its inaugural drill programme at the Molopo Farms Complex nickel-copper-platinum group element (PGE) project in southwest Botswana.

Figure 2: a cross section showing the location of the first two planned holes, DDH1-6b and DDH1-6c (Power Metal)


The company began diamond core drilling drillhole DDH1-6B targeting a large southerly dipping conductor at priority target T1-6.

Site preparations are underway for drilling to start soon on the second drillhole DDH 1-6C.


Power Metal has completed additional ground magnetic and moving loop electromagnetic geophysics surveys over target areas 1-3, 2-3 and 1-14.

Preliminary geophysical data has been received and is being compiled and results interpreted.


Chief executive Paul Johnson said he expected that priority drill target T1-6 would be the first in a series of prospective drill targets.

“We are targeting a large-scale nickel-copper-PGE discovery or discoveries, which would be transformational for the company and, importantly, may lead to Molopo Farms being a focal point for investment and lead to significant job creation and opportunity.”